Ezine approved article as ethical, worldwide!

I am amazed at all the years I have been in business, to conclude that ethical, honest support by those who attempt to get me to join there business, may not exists. I mean, we all need the number one solution to success on the internet, fresh real opt-in leads at no cost!

I must have been involved for over 27 years, in this business, and never been with a group, product or membership. That has a successful record, which more than 10% of the members, are really making any income. Until, I have had the pleasure, no the honor, of meeting real people, who focus on the individual growth, of each member. Not looking to have hundreds of people join, what ever project they are in at the moment. (This only creates people joining to leave quickly, and that is a huge problem, with all internet businesses) But, with all ethical actions, and the human touch, they get to know each person they are responsible for, thus, making successful transactions, of growth.

These are the unique people, that one needs to be involved with, to really accomplish the true meaning, of networking success. They are not selling anything, and continue to remain in contact from day one. When you need them, they are always one minute away, with unlimited resources, to resolve all delays in your growth. This is a moral way of doing business, which is rare these day. You must admit, that now people are jumping in, and out of everything, that sounds good. Their way is lost, and the hard earned income, reduces quickly.

I have come to the conclusion, that for real support and growth, to accomplish what we all are here to do, succeed! We need to remain focused, on one ideal at a time, and have a real human support system to gain consistent growth.

If you think that your going to make thousands of dollars a month in a real ethical networking business, you are only going to loose thousands of dollars, that you can’t afford. Once you treat your business as a business. You will have no problems understanding that growth takes time and we need to budget for that.

To get involved in this business knowing it takes time, and no, you will not make millions of dollars your first three years or more. You will develop, the unique ethical actions, it takes to make your dreams, of a solid financial foundation, become reality! You will, accomplish a continued stream of income, from a source. Which is setup, to have multiple sources, that produce revenue from different locations. All being done from one location. This is one of the keys, to being successful, with our business on the internet. Yet, a few of us will ever let the 97% know this, that is to keep everyone else spending or wasting money on books, potions, pills and other useless products.

Delayed gratification, is another key to being successful. One dollar per person a month is more than enough revenue, that is if it was continuous, with no ending! That will give you an ideal of what is to be expected in this real world.

If you are only required to learn about marketing, and the company, while income was being created for you, at no cost ever! Would not this be worth growing, at a pace that is sturdy, without end? I believe, being involved in helping others be successful, has made my life change for the better. No cost and no more catches. I get sick of monthly payments, for no real product and no growth.

Yes, it is proven that one must invest in a business, in order to be successful. Yet, why not that investment be education, and the support team, pays that monthly payment? Until the point, of your business, has no required monthly payment? I mean, this is what someone stating, “Join Us” we will give you real support, and grow your business, should result in, right?

Hay, everyone who wants to have people trust them in getting involved, with their projects, should be willing to offset the cost. I would want to join a group, that offsets, the regular monthly cost. While I learn the business, and they grow my membership, to the point when, no monthly cost would be required! WOW, now that is a real offer. I believe no one would ever have to think about joining!

That is it in a nutshell, of the “Real Support” and we all will be looking for such an offer coming to us. These economical times demand such a bold offer. Hay, think about it, someone would show their business is real, and be willing to put their money where their mouth is, to say. I would believe that person believes in that business, and has profited from it, to the point they are willing to support me 100% with spending their money monthly, until my own business, has grown to a solid financial foundation, without a monthly payment due!

What do you think of this? A “Real Support” We have found, where this is accomplished.

William E. Amis, Jr. III
Amis Interactive Communities


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Amis

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