To understand what having a HBB, is all about. Everyone seems confused with what is really going on, in our industry. It’s not about, who you know or product. That is why, all are struggling to make anything work. Bouncing around all over the place. Calm and peace is needed today!
I agree, develop real relationships with everyone, you connect with. You are the product…just understand that. No one is joining any opportunity or purchasing product, based on them liking a company. Just get to the bottom line here!
OK, you are the product. You must have a burning desire, within for personal growth. Then manifest all that power, to really support others. Energize them, and edify them daily. It’s about finding out what anyone, mother, sister and all the unlimited people, desire and dream about. Build those real relationships, and listen to what everyone is saying. Stop with the sells pitches, they never work. That is a big problem. Very view of our great mentors, coaches, and leaders. Instill support daily, to everyone in their business. You must listen to everyone, and stop focusing on you! It’s about the other person growing personally. Learning how to duplication you!
You are a great leader and visionary. Get to know what their determination, of success is. Then focus on a plan, that has daily activity for them to reach that success. Coach them in personal development, by referring books, and getting them involved in mastermind groups. This is a fantastic way to duplication support. Now, you have build a real lifetime relationship, that they are truly friends and clients. You are the great problem solver. Now you develop another person. That is the cycle of things being simple. It’s not a race. This is a real business, that if built correctly, on solid foundation. It will last more than your lifetime.
Gain everyone’s respect and confidence by really being involved in their lives. Support them daily with edification, and other methods. Then, teaching them how to utilize the Visualization method. This will harness, all their energy to manifest, unlimited achievements. Now that is Simplicity!
The Biggest obstacles are ourselves, with taking the focus off of self. Then applying it to others for their success. Challenges are understanding that we are the only products. People join People not opportunities. People purchase products from those who excite them. Who have a track record of supporting them in life. Those who edify them and not pointing out negative things about them. Those who only focus, has been on their success, as they determined it. Also, helps them develop their personal growth.
In closing, get involved with everyone in building a real relationship. Motivate them as the great mentors and coaches, as you are. Then duplicate yourself within them. Manifest unlimited energy, in all your actions and conversations. This excites everyone and they will want to follow you no matter where. They will purchase a roll of toilet paper from you. No matter how much more it cost them. It’s about making people understand their value. No limits exist, and they are shown that.
Please, leave a comment to help all who are making an attempt, to become leaders in our business.
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