Choosing To Build That Business

We all need to re-evaluate what we are doing and is it worth it to us. Is it duplicatable for others to achieve, what they decided success is. Has there been any product, that is usable for the masses? Would I purchase it even if there were no others using it? Do I really need what is being offered? These are my questions when evaluating a company to join.

Yes, thousand of questions and I have no feelings, when it comes to business building except it must work for all. I leave out all emotions attached. I join projects based on the people, who are presenting it to me. Also, what type of true support is involved. How long has the business or company been established, and what is the profit margin. I get to know the originator with the individual bringing me in.

I must utilize due-diligence, before getting involved with the person and company. This is going to be someone that will be a new relationship for life. The company must use ethical practices at all times. I complete research to the maximum, before agreement with my wife to participate. Allot of prayer, is involved at each phase of research. Then I come to a conclusion. If that person who is making a valid attempt to recruit me. States at anytime of a limited open window to join. That is a “light bulb” moment to run….

I believe that if you have passion and a strong team. It would not matter what the products are. As long as they are real and usable. People end up losing to much time and money with the next best thing. If you stay long enough, with a real business project. It will payoff ten fold. That being a single place to create real leaders on one team, attached.

The best business is helping others reach various levels in personal growth, and achieving their success as the determined. Being in the people business, is the most rewarding choice I have ever made. Resolving unlimited peoples problems, daily with my resources is priceless. Knowledge is rewarding and to be shared with others, to limit their daily struggles.

Just choosing something I love doing daily. That I am passionate about and time passes by fast, when I am doing it. This just makes me feel good everyday. Now, that is when you know it is the right thing for you to do. It never get tiring at any moment. I get so excited daily, just thinking about what I do for others. I can’t wait for the next day, so I can serve others. That is all I ever wanted to do. That is what I do. Help others become successful as the determined. Empowering others to burn for personal growth. I coach, mentor and teach others to become the next visionaries, coaches, mentors, teachers. I create mastermind groups, for total support of all who desire more for them, and their families health and welfare. Building for the future of our industry. Keeping it real and alive!

It’s about being honest with yourself. Complete all due-diligence in researching the person who is introducing this business or company. Then do the same for the company. Next, is this something that you will have a passion for daily. Wake up and all that energy emerging from within to get going to start doing it. You would loose time while being involved in the activity you have made the decision to be a great part of you life. These are the people and company that will be with you for a lifetime. Your family must agree if there is one. Your body and mind must be in tuned with all activity. No, press or stress just so much excitement that it would not matter if bills pile up for the first thirty-days. You would do this all day without pay. Is this that something you have version, to bring all your desires and dream into being. Does this help the people in any way. It should scream all will need this and share this information with everyone without offending them. Usable and duplicatable for all. No hidden payments or tricks. All ethical people are involved. The company has a great history globally and/or locally. This is something that would make you not hide your face in public.

Now, you have found that dream maker platform. This is what you visualized into being. No limitations. Only a fun, joyful journey with the ones you love. Now this is perfect, almost. You will still need your “Why”. No after that, this is magnificent!

Want to know more? Camelot maybe, or is this a real place unknown to the masses. Just a few chosen ones have been invited to this Shangri-La….

Thank you for your time and interest. Please, would you be so kind as to leave a comment, that will help all gain more clarity on our subject. Thank you again!

2011©All rights reserved. William Earl Amis, Jr. III – U.S. and International Copyright Laws.

43 Replies to “Choosing To Build That Business”

  1. Hello William,

    Thank you for sharing this great post. The more I read from you, the more I admire you for the gift of writing, and being the person you are. Love these words from Jim Rohn, and know that you have all these qualities.
    The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.
    Whether we are aware of it or not, we easily “pick up” emotional energies from people we live and work around, or from the places that we visit. This daily intake of both negative and positive emotional energies has an effect on our bodies, minds, spirits, and even our personalities and moods.
    We are connecting with like minded people, who believe in Unconditional Giving. Those people blessed with the most talent don’t necessarily outperform everyone else.
    It’s the people with follow-through who excel.
    Coming together is a beginning——Staying together is Progress…… And working together is SUCCESS! Looking forward to the moment of calling our self ONE TEAM! Soon to happen.
    “There’s always someone you’ve touched and without knowing you have.
    Some people never got to tell you, some people may not able to, and others may hope to some day.”

    There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.

    Come on in!

    1. Irene, the inspirational motivator…

      I agree there is no key to happiness. The door is always open. This will stick to me forever. So insightful.

      Irene, you remain to keep me in humility. I thank you for sharing and supporting this writer. Your a great mentor to have in my life. I can not wait to continue our journey.

      Thank you for stopping by and giving encouragement.

      Very Truly Yours…

  2. I am absolutely with you William.

    It is about HOW the team (that I am going to be joining) presents themselves with regards to knowledge and know-how with the components of how to run the business successfully… It’s not about the actual product involved.

    If I know for a fact that the people in the team or even just the sponsor him/herself has a lot of value to offer me, it would irrelevant what the product is. It’ll only allow me to make my decision quicker than if i didn’t know, like, or trust them.

    Of course, without say, doing your due diligence is also part of the package.

    Thanks for sharing this post with us William.

    -Jaclyn Castro

    It’s simple to decide “yes” I will join him/her because I know

    1. Jaclyn, so moving…

      I am wonderfully excited for you. You make all this worth while. Congrats, on joining a well qualified team of supporters. May you journey be a joyful one.

      Jaclyn, I look forward to hear about your progress.

      Very Truly Yours…

  3. Hey Bill, you hit a lot of key points in this post that I agree with 100%.

    Such as doing your due dilligence before joining a company. You gotta research the owners, research who is inviting you, research the policies and procedures, research the compensation plan. A lot of people do not do this (including my old self) and just hop on board with no worries you may be screwed down the line. Also, choosing a product you LOVE and are passionate about it very important.

    Another point is about finding your WHY, this is one of the FIRST things you should do in this business, if you do not know your WHY, you are missing a key piece. A lot of people push this off and say it doesn’t matter, but they just don”t know the power in the universe of a definite WHY.

    Great post 🙂

    Brandon Wraith
    Knowledge is POWER

    1. Brandon, fantastic point of interest…

      I agree, your “Why” is the force to get you through all the ups and downs. With that being said. Choose one that will empower you to keep it going. When there are people laughing at you, keep it going. When all your friends stay away from you, keep it going. When it seems hopeless to continue, keep it going. The light is almost visible, and the right way will present its self to you. Just remember that “Why” and it will keep you going. Your never alone with your support team in place!

      Brandon, well done. I have to say you keep amazing me with your fast concepts of understanding. You getting there!

  4. Hi William,
    You shared a lot of important questions that we need to ask before getting into a business. I especially appreciate the part about having passion for what you’re doing. So many people wake up in the morning and say “when is the weekend going to get here”. Work is a chore. Life is too short to live like a robot. Thanks for a great post. It is inspiring.

    1. Lian, very well done…

      I agree, only do what you have fun doing. Only do what makes joy come into your heart. Only do what feels good. If you would only live and be happy. That will make everything else easy.

      Its always up to you to be happy full of love and life. Nothing can be bad if you feeling good. Stay positive daily and smile more. It will make others around you wonder why they are not happy and inquire. You can then share that support and make it a mission to empower them.

      Thank you Lian for having the time to stop by. I appreciate all that you do in supporting all. I look forward to your next visit.

      Very Truly Yours…

  5. I agree with all of your points in this post except one. I don’t think their is enough emphasis on the products or service. I know how important it is to join the right team with the right people and do your due diligence, but I think the product or service needs to be something that you truly believe in and that can really make an impact in people’s lives. For me, it has to be a product that I truly believe in and that I am passionate about. The product and/or service is just as important as the relationships … in my opinion. 🙂


    1. Wendy, very well done…

      I agree, the produce is key and the attracting point. The service is imperative, and must be with the highest quality.

      Now, what is the product? Would you say it is you. When you meet someone and your all excited to talk with them. You would first need to understand what they want and their desires. Then by placing yourself out of the equation. You really are utilizing targeting listen skills. You know it’s about them and only them. Your being supportive and actively listening. They can feel comfortable talking with you. In that short time you have started to build a real relationship.

      That is when the bond cords have sprouted, and have manifested the first phase of trust. Hey, your the product and they will follow you in any project and purchase anything based on your passionate actions. Listing, edifying their dreams and desires. Empowering them to the point of understanding. How you will help them live their dreams. How you have a team of supporting like-minded people, waiting to assist in all ways. Your the product and what you can do for them, with all your resource within that team, is the service.

      Anything from a company products/service offered to paying members. Even if that pay is your time. These are just resources, that are given at the right time to resolve daily issues everyone has. This is a way of thinking that will put the focus back on the people. This is what makes it easy and duplicatable.

      Just give to others and it will come naturally. The monetary will produce beyond your imagination. The more you give yourself and truly support others personal growth and success as they determined. The more you will receive based on giving to others not expecting anything in return. That is what makes great leaders, coaches, mentors and true visionaries in our industry.

      Wendy, your one of our great mentors and leaders in this industry, globally. Our readers and I appreciate all that you share with us. I always learn something about our business, when you arrive. Thank you.

      I look forward in reading your blog post and gaining more understanding.

      Very Truly Yours…

  6. Hi William,
    This is an important post about building a platform. I really like how you got me thinking about what drives me to join a company. Is it solely based on my relationship with the sales people and owners or do I really like the product. These are important questions. I am glad that you got me thinking.

    1. Shanae, great deciphering, all the hidden messages…

      I agree, what drives you to join someone or business is awareness. Please utilize due diligence before anything else. So many fall because of not completing that.

      Shanae, feels like you may be reevaluating a situation your currently involved in. That is fantastic this subject can be of some help. That is worth all the thought that went into development.

      Thank you for sharing and may your journey be blessed!

      Very Truly Your…

    1. Peter, love the simplicity here and still so powerful….

      I agree, loving what you do. Keep smiling daily. No worries knowing your having fun. Enjoy everything and everyone. You surely can’t go wrong.

      Peter, thank you for keeping me grounded. It’s a blessing you have stopped by today. I look forward in reading your wonderful detailed blog.

      Very Truly Yours…

  7. Sometimes people use network marketing opportunities until they can get out on their own and create their own products. It does give us good experience with marketing though. Some people just like the allure of ready made businesses. Which is true of network marketing. The products are there we just have to talk about them and be a product of the product. I kind of went my own direction with my writing but appreciated the experience I got with my network marketing stint. I still use the products and sell some here and there but my shangri la is my writing and inspiring others to find their own talents and to define their own dreams.

    1. Reed, you have found what makes you happy and that is wonderful…

      I agree, doing what you love to do is essential. Share that with others to inspire them to choose something that they enjoy is amazing. I can’t wait to get up in the mornings and do only things I love to do. That is a beautiful way of being.

      Yes, networking is what we do with each other. Sharing ideas and helping one another resolve issues. That is how we network with one another, learning.

      Selling someone else, products or services? This is just a way to earn revenue. To pay bills and create one financial stream.

      Building relationships that last a lifetime, and has a strong bond of trust. Now, that is networking old school, where I come from. You can offer product or service to resolve people problems. Being the great mentor, which you are. Being the visionary would have you in places that others see you being the problem solver. That will give one experience. in helping and supporting others with your resources. It would not matter if you built the product or service. As long as it will resolve the issues, of all the wonderful people you have had the honor of building real relationships with. That is amazing, when you think about it. Just serving others with that servant’s heart.

      Everyone, will find what they love to do. You being the coach and great leader in our industry. Mentor and support them in ways with compassion. Not because of some monthly requirement. People have and will continue to purchase products and services based on a person’s kindness, support and transparency. Based on the true bond of trust that has been built. It would not matter how much something cost. If you have it, and you did all that for little me. I will purchase a roll of toilet paper for $5.00, knowing you have came through once again and resolved my issues.

      Networking is what we do on a daily basis. Sharing and caring with learning to give to others without expecting anything in return.

      N = No one can accomplish success as they determine, alone.
      E = Everyone must be in unity and remain ethical in all activity.
      T = Together we will achieve anything our minds conceive.
      W = We not I, will share new ideas and get things moving.
      O = Objectively we move with caution to not miss the way.
      R = Retention is non-existing, with our empowering each other.
      K = Knowledge is gained by giving first and expecting nothing in return.
      ~William Earl Amis, Jr. III

      That is just my opinion on Networking in a whole. I have nothing put compassion for all who come to me for support. I will remain in a state of humility and gratitude daily.

      Reed, it was a pleasure you stopping by and sharing your support for our readers and I.

      Looking forward to your next visit. Thank you for supporting our subject with usable information.

      Very Truly Yours…

  8. Hi Bill. You give such good advice on your blog. Lots of suggestions for provoking thought for those who are thinking about investing in a business. It is so tempting to just jump in – I’ve done it a few times, but fortunately not to the tune of some $$ I have heard of other people spending. ‘Due diligence’ are two simple words that can save someone a lot of trouble and expense.

    Wishing you a song in your heart,
    Miss Leslie @ Music with Miss Leslie

    1. Miss Leslie,

      I agree, due-diligence is required in each step of evaluating all areas of an opportunity. Get to know the person who invites you and the company. Look at the support that is being offered. You don’t want to just join something and not have a support team. No one can accomplish greatness alone.

      Thank you for your visit and I look forward in the next.

  9. William,

    Thanks for the passionate post. Passion is something that I am just connecting with in my business. I finnally found it. Thanks to you and all the members of TSA my passions have become clearer and clearer with evey post that I read.


    1. Joyce, that is the first step in clarification…

      I agree, you must be passionate about what you choose to accomplish. Waking up everyday and empowered to do more is the key.

      Thank you Joyce, it’s always a pleasure hearing your thought on our subject.

  10. Hi William.

    This is a wonderful post. I totally agree we need to evaluate companies we are considering to join and not just join because they sound appealing or we keep hearing about the car bonuses that are being won. Being passionate about what we’re about to get involved in; working with people who are in line with our thinking and values; and doing our own due diligence are important factors that support our values and our business success.

    The product is important too though, as we need to know that it is also comes from integrity, will actually and truly help others, and is also in keeping with our values. Given all that though, what truly draws us is the people… are they coming from true integrity, do we like and trust them. All are important elements to create the harmony we are seeking in business.

    1. Loren, spoken like a true leader in our industry…

      I agree, being with like-minded people will only increase the end result, success as you determined. Keeping unity and edifying one another will go along way in the supporting process. Great things will manifest and each will empower the other.

      Thanks Loren for usable supportive words. I look forward in reading your next blog which I am sure will give me more insight to supporting others.

  11. Hi William,

    Firstly, I really enjoyed your writing style – it’s rather refreshing and very ‘stand out’.

    I believe that this post will take the edge of the manic excitement newbies get when they’re going to join a business and make the think of all the merits and indeed, work like business people!!

    The limited time thing is a no no for me as well. Although, I understand that that is what is taught to people – all about increasing the rate of sign up but at the end of the day when we find out if was a little trick we end up losing a little faith in that company or person.

    I’m so happy that you have found something you love to do.

    All the best

    Emma 🙂

    1. Emma, king and supportive words…

      I agree, finding what we love to due is so important. We keep getting lost with money and time. We loose track of the people we pledge to support with all our focus. Let’s get back to building those true relationships that are strengthened with a bond of trust.

      Emma, thanks for sharing your thoughts and supporting this little writer.

  12. Hi Wiliam

    I amost whant to share your blog with the
    hole wide world and Business on line no matter
    if it is MLM direct sales or Affiliate programs.

    You hit the nail on the head I agree with every word you say.
    If people do it for the money or just because there is great
    leaders on top of you and it is not something that you really love
    or have a passion for it then you will waist your time and money
    and your upline to be’s time also.

    The other thing people do is to try to be in more than one
    ship at a time or split there focus and try to hit 2 bulls eyes
    at one time. it cant work no matter what people say leaders
    of great company’s don’t do it so why do the AVE person out
    there try to do it ?

    Thanks for a Great Post

    I love to connect with you on Skype. : thewisdomman


    1. Theuns, very insightful….

      I agree, we should stick with one project until it is on auto-pilot. Not forgetting to continue to support those who we agreed to bring in our business. You may have reached the top level. Yet, never forget it is a life journey and others need you to help them duplicate your achievements reaching that next level.

      Theuns, love when you stop by and share. You motivate me to higher awareness and create a burning to never stop helping others. Thank you!

  13. William first of all I totally agree with Irene you do have a great gift for writing. Having said that I really appreciate the value I come away with after reading your post.

    They are so inspirational to make me want to be a better leader in this industry to lead with all the integrity I have and to truly make a difference in the lives that I touch.

    Thanks for making us think on a higher level my prayers are with you during your recuperation period.


    1. Steve, with you on my side I can’t go wrong. You have created a platform of a new movement. You YouTube video was so wonderful and mastered how to think in giving to others. I love it! I look forward in your next vision sharing. You are a remarkable individual that I must say, being involved with you is an honor.

      Thanks for you prayers….

    1. James, great observation on your part. You understand what it takes to make a huge impact on our business. Keeping it simple with usable point is amazing.

      Thank you for your sharing and caring. Your a great mentor in our industry and I for one, would love to learn more of your techniques.

  14. Hi Bill !
    Agreed, agreed, agreed. I have found this Shangri-La where we all work together for our mutual benefit and goal. I know that to most people it propably sounds too good to be true – but it is. Loving it !
    I have been on and off in MLM for the past 16 years and this is what I have been waiting for: true Team work. Endless engouragement. Sharing our talent’s. Need I continue… ? Hahaha !
    Have a lovely day !

    1. Katri, I would say you know what you need and how to obtain that real support team. You have all of us on your side. Your part of our family now and we support with true passion and purpose.

      Katri, thank you for all of your support and kind words. You are on your way to achieving all your desires. I would love to be a great part of that. All your energy is well know and felt throughout our family…

      Thank you for all you do….

  15. William,

    I logged on here for a quick look and comment before going to my weekly Toastmasters meeting. I discovered that your post is worth much more than a cursory look and a quick comment. Of course I do usually try to invest some serious thought into commenting.

    But in this case I see that I will need to come back again later to do justice to the subject matter. You have done a wonderful job of explaining some of the less obvious but more important aspects of choosing an opportunity. Although I agree with Wendy that we must truly believe in what we are selling, I know from experience that the best part of networking is the relationships, and the most helpful factor in success is the team support.

    I have built MLM organizations i the tens of thousands, and it is the relationships I treasure the most. There was a survey asking respondents to rank the reasons they said yes or no to an opportunity. The number one reason was “Who would be my sponsor.”

    1. Buddy, fantastic observation on building relationships is a key factor. We should focus on supporting others without expecting anything in return.

      Buddy, we appreciate your visit and placing real content that is usable. I thank you and look forward in reading your blog.

      Very Truly Yours…

    1. Gary, fantastic outlook…

      I love that we must be passionate about all we choose to do. Without having this key emotion. We will just be like drones moving about by repetition without having any imagination. We must retain our ability to create amazing things to share with the masses.

      Gary always a pleasure with your visits. I look forward in hearing more from you.

  16. What an incredible image you used William! Well, I’m not in network marketing or MLM and I’m no longer building a team – but I think the importance of passion applies to any business … for that matter any job. Life is simply too short (and can end at anytime!) to waste what prescious time we have miserable. When I’m doing anything creative – I completely lose track of time so I know that is the right way for me to invest my time and my life. Great post – thanks!

  17. Marquita , great point in lost time…

    I agree, adding that passion in your activities will allow time to just past by unnoticed. Your to involved having a wonderful adventure, to say. That feeling of happiness while accomplishing something is simply amazing.

    I love your visits and look forward to many more.

  18. Hi William,

    while I’m not in the MLM industry, I do believe that you make some valid points for business in general. Building relationships is key to building business and doing due diligence before investing in anything only makes good sense. After a number of years in industry, I also strongly believe that it is the people or team that you work with that ultimately makes all the difference in the world. It can make a great job miserable OR a mediocre job fantastic.

  19. Morning William.
    Great post.
    I had to learn a lot of what you said the hard way. Started up businesses because friends convinced me to join them. Because I was to naive to look at a company properly before joining or simply because I thought it was a great idea.

    It was a hard road, but now I learned to check my facts, and thanks to posts like yours, my life is starting to become easier.

    Thanks again for great content.

  20. As someone who just joined a MLM company, I read your article and reviewed what I did right and what I did wrong in my choice. I looked for a product I had passion for and managed to stumble onto a great team as well. My whole family is using the product and we are feeling better and losing weight which confirms the worth of the product and my ability to be genuine when I present it to others. However, the team seems more important. We meet on the phone 6x/.week and discuss our success, failures, and challenges. I feel that I am part of a new family and this will motivate me to do even better. Thanks so much for the advice; wish I read it last week before joining. However, I still believe I made a good choice.

  21. I’m not in an MLM business, but I certainly agree that being in business is all about helping people grow and develop on a personal level — and for me, to help them also grow spiritually. What other real reason is there to be in business? If I were in an MLM business, the product would also be pretty important, and would have to be one I could wholeheartedly believe in and endorse.

    1. Pastor, you are insightful and I agree with your perception. Nevertheless, my company over forty-plus years supports people and companies globally. We believe in only investing in people not products. The people are our products. Their vision of a future self is what we manifest together.

      I look forward to more “Real Human Interaction”.

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