Products and Service vs. Relationships

The produce is key and the attracting point. The service is imperative, and must be with the highest quality.

Now, what is the product? Would you say it is you. When you meet someone and your all excited to talk with them. You would first need to understand what they want and their desires. Then by placing yourself out of the equation. You really are utilizing targeting listen skills. You know it’s about them and only them. Your being supportive and actively listening. They can feel comfortable talking with you. In that short time you have started to build a real relationship.

That is when the bond cords have sprouted, and have manifested the first phase of trust. Hey, your the product and they will follow you in any project and purchase anything based on your passionate actions. Listing, edifying their dreams and desires. Empowering them to the point of understanding. How you will help them live their dreams. How you have a team of supporting like-minded people, waiting to assist in all ways. Your the product and what you can do for them, with all your resource within that team, is the service.

Anything from a company as products/service offered to paying members. Even if that pay is your time. These are just resources, that are given at the right time to resolve daily issues everyone has. This is a way of thinking that will put the focus back on the people. This is what makes it easy and duplicatable.

Just give to others and it will come naturally. The monetary will produce beyond your imagination. The more you give yourself and truly support others personal growth and success as they determined. The more you will receive based on giving to others not expecting anything in return. That is what makes great leaders, coaches, mentors and true visionaries in our industry.

Thank you for your time and interest. Please, would you be so kind as to leave a comment, that will help all gain more clarity on our subject. Thank you again!

2011©All rights reserved. William Earl Amis, Jr. III – U.S. and International Copyright Laws.

26 Replies to “Products and Service vs. Relationships”

  1. Powerful yet simple. I really appreciate the post. I have been active in giving without expecting in return and the blessings pour in each day. I know monetary blessings are just on the horizon. Unsure why monetary blessings have not shown yet, I am patient. It occurred to me while reading your post that monetary blessings for National Seizure Disorders Foundation are so immense the business needs to be ready to accept the flow of funds.

    Blessings to You –

    Terrific Tonya Heathco
    National Seizure Disorders Foundation

    1. Tonya,

      Yes, the monetary is on the way. One must prepare for all the good use to have it applied in such a needed project such as this. I will be working with you shortly and we will get things moving even more!

      Thank you for your love and support. I look forward in doing all I can for the project.

  2. I completely agree with you William.
    The first and most important sale we make is ourselves.
    If you are unable to sell yourself you are in deep trouble.
    Once you have however made that first sale, the rest is gravy
    Nice post, your writing makes me sit up and take note

    1. Ben,
      Thanks for your supporting words that all our readers will be able to use.

      I think that you are right. That first sell is it and the rest will come naturally. The more confidence you have in yourself. Others will see that in your presentation. The supportive actions you demonstrate daily.

      Ben I look forward to your next visit.

  3. Hello William,

    When I got started years ago in the MLM industry I was fortunate enough to be in a company and get mentored by leaders that stressed customer service.

    My mentor was, and I still follow him when I can, was Dale calvert.

    Dale Calvert has made millions in the MLM industry and he did it be doing the things you stress in your post.

    As Dale is noted for saying our real product is people and how well we deal with them.

    You really do have to put money out of the picture and give of yourself, eventually the money will follow as will the people whose lives you have effected along the way.


    1. Willie, you have noticed the hidden factor of being supportive to others…

      I agree with your mentor and yourself. It’s people being the product and you must support them every step towards achieving each goal. That will keep them empowered and growing in the right direction.

      Willie, I look forward in reading you blog post. I know it will support you great leadership outlook.

  4. As a physician, I recognize I am selling myself and my scientific knowledge is secondary. If patients lack trust in either my integrity, or knowledge, or dedication, the information I try to impart is worthless. If patients do not like or trust me they will not come back and will certainly not follow my advice. I am sure your comments apply to any business in which a person relationship is necessary ie all businesses.

    1. Sybil,

      I agree with utilizing this in any business is it’s practical use. This topic is a key for all businesses online and offline. You will benefit in the long term applying this to your daily activities with others.

      Thank you for you visit. I look forward in reading you blog post.

    1. Gary, the overall international visionary…

      I thank you for all your support in this subject matter. It is about selling yourself to have others utilize due-diligence in every area. They will see you as transparent and a great person who is willing to support their growth towards success as they determined.

      Gary nice observation. I love the way you get to the bases of the subject. I look forward your next visit.

  5. William,

    I think it’s a matter of being yourself and reaching out to see what another’s needs are. I liked how you put it, when we take ourselves out of the equation. When I put myself in the salesman comes out and so do the dollar signs. When I’m not there that doesn’t happen.


    1. Rick, you have made a great statement here…

      I agree with knowing what the other person’s needs are is imperative. This is what we are targeting. That is the overall achievement so we can supply a continuous supportive presents.

  6. Hi Bill,

    Great to see you posting your great content again and I hope you are feeling better and stronger every day…

    The relationships that you build and develop are the most important ingredients to your business growth and that of your business partners.

    If you are in this for the wrong reason, your prospects may not see that at first, but will soon enough, because you won’t be there for them and you won’t be doing the things you need to do to support your team.

    People will see you are only in this for the money if you don’t have the mindset of giving first with no expectations. Be a go-giver.

    I have spent over 25 years in my offline career developing and Managing customer service teams and the first thing I emphasize is superior customer service and building relationships.

    If you do that, why would anyone want to leave your organization…

    Keep empowering us,

    1. Marc your a man with deep passion for supporting others…

      Thanks for all the support and I am taking it one day at a time. I only have a little time that I can access my computer without getting off from pain. I am making an effort yet this is a long journey and I pray to be well enough to support others some what. After about 4 more weeks. I will be up and running full force.

      I agree with being a go-giver. I like that phrase. I believe we will all benefit if a clear understanding of what your doing is a real business. All the people who join you are in it for a lifetime. This is not a game or hobby. Once that is clear, we all will have a easier time developing more leaders, coaches, mentors, and visionaries in our industry.

      Marc as all ways, you are a strong supportive present, and it is an honor being with the team. Thanks for all the patients and soon we will pick things up to spread the love to the masses.

  7. Hey William,


    Marketers must deliver value first before they expect anything in return. By value I mean MASSIVE value, the kind truly making a big difference in some need of others.

    We typically sell our own character to others first and foremost. When they get magnetized to it, they’ll truly wanna find out what do you have on offer. Having a product is the easy part. Character is the harder one. Nail it, and you nail the deal!

    Yasser Khan

  8. Yasser, well put…

    I agree we who so truly support others, and work with ethical activity. Show true character that others see. Then the rest is a piece of cake, per say. The more you give of yourself. The more relationships are strengthened with a bond of trust. You will find meeting like-minded people is a breeze.Then working as a team, leaning on each others strengths. There will be no limitations to what will be accomplished for the better of all.

    Yasser, I look forward to your next visit. I will make it a point to read your blog’s next new post. I know there will be much value to the subject matter.

  9. Hello William,

    I agree with you too many businesses focus on money especially those in ‘start-up’ the worse of this is many will never get past start-up because they have their focus all wrong.

    I tell people we have two ears and one month for a very good reason!
    We should listen more than we chat! :o)

  10. Hi William,
    Give and ye shall receive! Yes, you are absolutely right about giving of ourselves, our time and our resources. when people tell you that you don’t need to invest much to start a network marketing business, they are kidding you! You will require to give a great deal of yourself and your time in order to become a NM leader! Thanks for an awesome article and I pray that you are doing well after your operation!

  11. Hi William,

    It’s interesting, but if you go on our blog there’s a video called “Ego Economics” that talks about your Ego over Principles when it comes to business, and vice versa. You can always tell the people who are driven by serving people, knowing in their heart that the money will follow. Ego driven on the other hand have “an agenda” that you can smell a mile away! I think that’s what you’re talking about here. We live in such a competitive world now, that SERVICE IS EVERYTHING.”People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel” ..

    Thanks for a great post
    Laura Morris

    1. We never had videos and I believe you posted making sure you place your message. I believe in truth and transparency Laura and that was not shared with our readers? Perhaps you would be encourage to read an article and support it with facts?

      Just Saying


  12. Hey William,

    Great post, it’s been said so many times that true abundance comes from enriching the lives of others before your own.

    To me, success in this industry can only be referred to as “Relationship Marketing.”

    Take the product right out of the equation.

    If you are left with integrity, passion, humility, and compassion then others will follow you on your journey towards success.

    Thanks for sharing William,


  13. One of the things that impressed me about internet marketing was the emphasis on giving value to others. After all, that’s what life is truly about — helping others, enriching their lives. Thanks for blogging on this topic!

  14. It is NOT about YOU.

    It is about the person and what their needs are.

    Tell a story, how it impacted and affected you with the products and or the business or both and see how it unfolds.
    Thanks for sharing.

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